[FREE Tutorial] String Art in 5 Easy Steps

String Art are a great way to decorate your home. Looks sophisticated and classy, String Art gives a premium vibe to your home. This FREE tutorial will teach you how to make String Art at your home in 5 easy steps.

String Art is done by tying colored threads around pins in a pre-defined pattern. Cheap, simple and decorative for Creative people of all ages. You can tie the threads in a symmetrical pattern or in a haphazard pattern based on the look that you want to create.

5 Essentials for your College Wardrobe

Do you spend hours searching for your college wear every week, but cannot find the right match when stepping out in the morning for college?

Do you wonder what are the “in-things” these days that will make you look cool in college?

2D or 3D Animation – What should I go for?

Should you go for 2D or 3D animation courses? And Why?

This is one of the those questions that we face almost regularly from our students who want to enroll for Animation courses.

In this post, we would like to provide you with 4 reasons why having a basic knowledge of 2D animation helps!